The Quail. Anthology. 70 anniversary 1941-2011
In the history of Spanish journalism, and even humor in the history of this newspaper, "The Quail is a landmark for several generations of Spanish remember fondly. The boldest magazine for the reader smarter weekly appeared on newsstands between 1941 and 1978: a miracle for the times we ran. Founded by Miguel Mihura, father of contemporary humor, became a legend under the direction of Alvaro de Laiglesia, who took charge of the weekly in 1944 and did not leave until 1977. The Quail was a pool of resourceful journalists and artists who are now among the cream of Spanish humor, paraded through the pages Tone Mihura, Herreros and Gila, and Chumy Mingote Chumez, Manuel Vicent and Candide, among many others.
ofican library